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Can Weight Training Help With Weight Loss?


After looking into the mirror, you’ve come to the conclusion that time hasn’t been as kind to your

body as you hoped it to be. With rolls on your sides, puffiness on your face, and the definition

you once had no longer there, you’ve finally come to terms with the fact that you’ve put on some

weight and aren’t satisfied with what you look like. However, the only thing you can really do is

to turn things around by getting fit again—and hopefully, you’ve decided to do exactly that!

Weight loss and fitness are much more than a simple walk in the park, so you must come

prepared with the necessary tools, plans, and the right food in your fridge. As you do your

research and dive headfirst into the process of restarting your fitness journey, you’re bound to

ask yourself one particular question: Can weight training help with weight loss?

A Background on Lifting Heavy Things

Weight training–or weightlifting, as it’s alternatively called—has long been considered one of the tenets of traditional and modern fitness. It is a game-changing discipline that is essential for well-rounded fitness regimens.

Popularised by figures like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jean Claude Van Damme, and Michael Jai White, weight training has a simple principle: you use weight to perform various movements that will target various body parts. Although it may seem intimidating at first, working with dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, and pulleys can make a huge difference in the way you build muscle and refine your physique.

How Weight Training Helps with Weight Loss

Many people see weight training as a means to build muscle mass, which is why people don’t necessarily think about it as a tool that can be used for losing weight. However, the fact of the matter is that it can be a fairly effective tool that anyone can use to slim down and drop their body fat percentages.

One thing people often forget about weight training is that it’s a form of exercise, which means it’s excellent for burning calories, much like running, callisthenics, or swimming. When paired with the right approach, the best nutrition, and an adequate amount of rest, you can use it to boost your metabolism and shed weight!

To help ensure that you use weight training as an effective tool that will help you build muscle

and lose kilograms, here are the most vital factors you need to consider:

● Calorie deficits: For weight training to be effective, it must be paired with a proper

calorie deficit of anywhere between 200 to 300 cals per day. By burning more calories

than you consume, you’ll be able to improve your weight loss progress significantly!

● Training frequency: Another key factor that will help with weight loss is the frequency of

your lifting sessions. By training three to five days per week—with an adequate amount

of rest between sessions and muscle groups—you can maximise the effects of lifting!

● Proper programming: With weight training, there is much that you can learn along the

way to make a world of difference in your efforts. For this reason, proper programming is

essential. Whether you’re experienced or completely new to the idea of lifting weights,

letting an expert like GW Functional Fitness (and its Bootcamp training program) can

help you see amazing results from the get-go!


Although there are many different and proven ways to lose weight, weight training is one of the most effective ways to do so because it provides a solid foundation that helps with metabolism, energy expenditure, and muscle growth. By incorporating this facet of fitness into your routine, you’ll be able to boost your progress in no time!

GW Functional Fitness has been changing lives and shaping bodies with its bootcamp fitness in Greenwich for many years. If you want to get started and work your way to a fitter, healthier, and more confident you, sign up for our classes today!

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