Learners Policies and Procedures
All of the material about the current qualification, including specifics about the assessments, is provided in this learner induction procedure. Before you begin learning, kindly take the time to read this induction guide carefully.
Your selected training programme will be supported by our team of qualified tutors and examiners, who will make each step of the process fun.
GWFF wants to give students all the information they need to get started on their course, as well as advice.
Our main goal is to provide students the information, practical skills, and self-assurance they need to effectively collaborate with a large number of people within the health and fitness industry.
The learners will:
Obtain thorough and timely information regarding the training's objectives, results, content, assessment, resources, and schedule
Receive a course manual to support the training session and advance the learner's knowledge and abilities
Be introduced to their tutor(s) and/or assessor(s)
Have the course schedule explained, including how the course is structured
Policies and procedures
The induction process adequately explains our rules and processes as well as the rights and obligations of the employees and students. Additionally, the following policies and processes are covered with learners:
Malpractice & Plagiarism Policy & Procedure
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Appeals and Review Procedure
Equal Opportunities
Health & Safety Policy
Conflict of Interest Policy
Agreement on Teaching and Learning
We need tutors and students to sign a "Teaching and Learning Agreement" in order to ensure that all students get the most out of their training. The Agreement outlines what is anticipated of the tutor during training as well as what is anticipated of the student throughout training and assessments.
Tutors will:
Work within the start/finish times and schedule we've established
Let you know what each session's goals and procedures are
Utilise training tools that will help you learn more
Give participants the chance to participate in learning through questions, comments, and feedback
Provide individualised support and direction in relation to any evaluation criterion
Obey our equal opportunity policy
We expect that learners will:
Complete all required modules on time
Using a personal timeline and an action plan created with a mentor, complete lessons on time
Finish all required paperwork, tasks, and reading material (where applicable)
Participate and pay attention in all online workshops
Take charge of their education by keeping their mentor or tutor informed of their progress
Ask for assistance and direction when necessary
Be respectful of other people and the environment by abiding by all applicable Health, Safety, and Operational guidelines
Follow the Equal Opportunity Policy
Follow any applicable professional codes of ethics
Respect the requirements for proper conduct throughout an assessment
Declaration of Authenticity
I thus affirm that I will adhere to the teaching learning agreement and that any work I provide for my assessments is original to me.
Learners Name:
Appeals Process
All assessment candidates are evaluated in accordance with our established assessment standards by certified and properly skilled assessors.
A candidate has the right to file a written appeal in response to the assessment decision.
Learners Support
We are dedicated to giving learning support wherever feasible.
On the application form or in a direct communication with the tutor, learners are asked to disclose any unique learning requirements, medical issues, and/or injuries which may affect learning or the assessment. Documentation of learning needs might be required to support this.
You can get advice on the specific needs of the course from your tutor and assessor. It might be possible to use a "Reasonable Assessment Adjustment" in some circumstances to take into account a particular learning need. To make sure you are adequately supported throughout the course and evaluation, please address this with your course instructor during course registration. The schedule for the course will also make it clear when your tutor will be accessible to answer specific questions or clarify any areas that are unclear.
Tutor Support: On weekdays, tutors will be accessible from 9am - 6pm, to address any questions and offer whatever assistance is necessary.
Email Support: On weekdays from 9am - 6pm, tutors and office personnel will be on hand to address any questions and offer whatever assistance is needed.
Learners feedback
We appreciate input from all of our students since we are dedicated to listening to them.
The assessment procedure will be thoroughly explained during the induction. In order to make sure that they are completely informed about their assessment arrangements, learners are invited to ask questions.
In order to complete the induction programme, staff will respond to learners' inquiries and make sure that everyone knows who to contact if they have any additional questions.
Staff members will review the subjects covered during introduction to see if learners still comprehend all that was discussed then.
Monitoring of the policies
A yearly review of this policy will be conducted by the management team.
1.The video must contain footage of your assessment only and your assessment must commence at the beginning of the recording.
2. Unless previously agreed in writing with us, your assessment must be shot in one take. You will automatically fail on your assessment if the video contains any edits or breaks in the recording.
3. We recommend a suitable fitness centre for your assessment. If the place is determined to be unacceptable based on your assessment, you will be automatically fail. As a result, you should verify with us about your venue options before you make a video evaluation.
4.Throughout the whole video, you and your participant(s) must always be in camera shot. When activities are done, the assessor watching the video needs to examine how you stand in relation to other participants, how they carry out the exercises, and how you engage with one another. Throughout the duration of the video, you and your participant(s) must both be audibly heard at all times. If your participant(s) have trouble hearing your instructions, you will automatically fail on your assessment. Before you submit the video for marking, we suggest you to check the audio levels.
5. If necessary, you can position the camera in a fixed location. To see a piece of equipment more closely, you do not need to zoom in. If you are using a cameraperson, they must keep quiet the entire time the video is being recorded. In order to avoid interfering with the assessment, they should keep a reasonable space between them.
6. Avoid engaging with or speaking to the camera after the assessment has started.​
7. Once you are confident that you have fulfilled the above requirements, we advise you to upload your video online. You can also submit your footage on a storage device such a USB.
8. You must include your video assessment with your finished lesson plans, PAR-Q, and informed permission papers for each person who appears in your video. If we are missing this information, we won't mark the video assessment.
9. Your video must be correctly labelled including your full name, user name, and the assessment title, identifying it as a practical assessment. Please give your video assessment three weeks to be marked. We suggest that a duplicate recording should be kept for your records.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is based on a portfolio of supporting documentation that you, the candidate, must provide in order to be recognised for one or more units towards a qualification. The following information must be provided:
• Documentation of past education and credentials, including some of the units of competency in this qualification that are eligible for Credit Transfer (CT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL);
• Recognition of Current Competence, which is proof of current proficiency (RCC)
Portfolio evidence:
Each fitness course qualification, you must show that you are competent in a variety of tasks and activities and can operate independently in a variety of scenarios and contexts.
We recognise that compiling data and creating a portfolio take time. Yet, it is in your best advantage to organise everything as soon as you can.
To verify that the items and procedures you are submitting are indeed your creations, you need to provide supporting documentation. You could require letters from outside sources to support your portfolio.
Applies to all learners, employers, stakeholders and members of the public.
Reason for policy:
To resolve complaints in a timely and effective manner, to use the information to improve our service, and to ensure complaints can be handled professionally.
It is acceptable that at times, a person can feel aggrieved by their treatment or service, and it is essential that GW Functional Fitness Ltd (GWFF) have a professional mechanism to deal with the complaint. We treat a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction with our service which calls for a response.
Complaints Procedure
A formal complaint can be made to GWFF via Email complaints@gwfunctionalfitness.com
To ensure the availability of evidence, complaints should be made within 6 months of an incident taking place.
A complaint will formally be acknowledged by GWFF within one working day of receipt.
Complaints will be reviewed by a senior manager who will initiate and coordinate the appropriate investigation based on the categorisation and severity. This may include interviews with appropriate parties and if necessary further clarification from the complainant.
GWFF will aim to resolve complaints within 10 working days, should a further period be required, the complainant will be informed.
The senior manager will write to the complainant advising him/her of the conclusions of the investigation.
On receipt of a complaint the senior manager will review the complaint and decide, dependent on the significance, whether the compliant will be taken further. Examples where escalation might take place would be if the concern came from a learner or member, related to equality and diversity or was a health and safety matter.
The leadership team will receive monthly reports on complaints, and on a quarterly basis the company Director will be presented with a summary. The relevant action and investigates will be put in place to improve the service which we provide.
If you wish to appeal, you must submit written notice to your tutor within ten working days of receiving notification of the grade or assessment. Your notice must include your intention to appeal and the grounds for appeal.
You have a right to appeal the outcome of an assessment on the grounds that you do not agree with the assessment decision made by the Assessor/Tutor/Marker, or that the assessment procedures have not been carried out properly. If you wish to appeal, you must submit written notice to your tutor within ten working days of receiving notification of the grade or assessment. Your notice must include your intention to appeal and the grounds for appeal. If you are not satisfied by the outcome at this stage, you may appeal to the YMCA within ten working days.
For a copy of the appeals policy and procedure, please send an email to GW Functional Fitness online platform support desk info@gwfunctionalfitnessappeals.com
Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability
We warrant that we will carry out the service to you with a reasonable level of care and skill. If you require any changes to these terms, please request such changes in writing to the address above.
Any liability under any agreement between you and us shall be limited to any sums paid by you to us. As far as permitted by law, we shall not be liable to any person for losses or damages that were not reasonably foreseeable and that were not caused by any breach on our part. We shall not be liable to any person for any direct or indirect loss or damage as a result from your course enrolment. Any liability that does arise will be limited to the course fee paid. We are not qualified to provide you with advice regarding health problems. If you require any such advice, we recommend you seek the opinion of your doctor or any other medical practitioner. Any holistic health care advice we do provide should be treated as congruent to, and not an alternative for, accustomed health care.
None of the conditions or provisions of this Agreement shall be held to have been waived by either party, except by an instrument in writing signed by a duly authorised officer or representative of each party. The waiver by either party of any right hereunder or the failure to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement, or any rights with respect thereto, shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other rights hereunder or any breach or failure of performance of the other party.
All outstanding debts to us must be made before we will issue you with a diploma or certificate.
We reserve the right to refuse enrolment on any of the courses we offer. If you are using a credit agreement and paying for the course by instalments, you agree to pay the instalments promptly and on the dates specified in the credit agreement, irrespective of the speed at which you are studying. If you are issued with a new card, please notify us as soon as possible so that we can update our records. If you are paying by instalments and your card is declined or you miss a payment for any other reason, we will notify you by email and then letter, and your course account will be locked.
Any questions about this policy should be sent to:
Telephone: +44